Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency in multilingual classes

Duration: 5 days

Program Overview:

This program has been specifically designed for teachers of Limited-English Proficient students. Ideally, the program should empower teachers to provide equal access to the same core curriculum delivered to fluent English speakers, through high-quality, grade appropriate content instruction. It is not intended to replace primary language content instruction; in fact, primary language literacy is a prerequisite for effective teaching.  The course leads to up-skilling and even re-skilling in Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency in multilingual classes using Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills as a resource.

Program Objectives:

By the end of this program, you will gain an understanding of the following:

Lesson Preparation. How to:

  • Clearly define content objectives
  • Clearly define language objectives
  • Select content concepts that are appropriate to learners’ age and educational background. Use a variety of supplementary materials to make the lesson clear and meaningful (computer programs, graphs, models, visuals)
  • Adapt the content to all proficiency levels
  • Use authentic and meaningful activities and integrate them into lesson concepts

Building Background. How to:

  • Explicitly link concepts to students’ background experiences
  • Explicitly link past learning to new content
  • Emphasize key vocabulary

Comprehensible Input. How to:

  • Use speech that is appropriate for students’ proficiency level
  • Clearly explain academic tasks
  • Use a variety of techniques to make content clear (model, use visuals, demonstrations and hands-on activities)

Learning Strategies. How to:

  • Provide ample opportunities for students to use strategies
  • Consistently use scaffolding techniques throughout the lesson
  • Include a variety of question types that promote higher-order thinking skills

Interaction. How to:

  • Provide students with frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion between teacher and student and among students and encourage extended student discourse about the lesson concepts.
  • Carefully configure the grouping of students to support language and content of the lesson
  • Consistently provide sufficient wait time for student responses. Provide ample opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in their native language

Practice and Application. How to:

  • Provide hands-on materials and/or manipulatives for students to practice using new content knowledge
  • Provide activities for students to apply content and language knowledge in the classroom
  • Use activities that integrate all language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking)

Lesson Delivery. How to:

  • Clearly support the content objectives in lesson delivery
  • Clearly support the language objectives in lesson delivery
  • Engage students 90 percent to 100 percent of the time
  • Pace the lesson appropriately to students’ ability level

Review and Assessment. How to:

  • Include a comprehensive review of key vocabulary
  • Include a comprehensive review of key content concepts
  • Provide regular feedback to students on their output
  • Conduct assessments of student comprehension and learning of all lesson objectives throughout the lesson


  • The training and development sessions will be done through practical workshops.
  • Learners will receive a Learner Pack and CD with exemplars and videos.
  • Continuing email and telephonic support is provided at no additional cost. On-site visits will also be conducted.
  • All training will be conducted in English by our trained facilitators who have a proficiency in the language and the subject matter.


  • Evaluating applied experiential activities during the course and on-site action-learning activities documented to demonstrate competence in relation to the skills taught. A certificate of attendance recognised by the South African Council for Educators (SACE) with 40 notional hours workshop time and 40 hours on-site application.