Learning How to Learn
Duration: 2 days
Program Overview:
This program is about helping teachers to get individual learners to figure out how they learn best. It has a robust focus on teaching learners: ‘How-to-learn’; How to take control of their own learning; How to grow towards becoming independent, self-directed learners; How to develop a positive inner voice and how to aim higher still, with a focus on achieving quality results. It teaches participants about the how, why and what of applying study skills in their teaching to get learners to accomplish quality results.
Program Objectives:
By the end of this program, you will gain an understanding of the following:
- Strategies for Success
- Time Management and Managing Stress
- Communication Skills
- Critical Thinking and Learning Styles
- Learning and Memory
- Study Strategies and using Academic Vocabulary
- Reading Textbooks and Note-taking
- Electronic Resources
- Exam Preparation
- Reading Rate
- Collaborative Learning
- The training and development sessions will be done through practical workshops.
- Learners will receive a Learner Pack and CD with exemplars and videos.
- Continuing email and telephonic support is provided at no additional cost. On-site visits will also be conducted.
- All training will be conducted in English by our trained facilitators who have a proficiency in the language and the subject matter.
- Evaluating applied experiential activities during the course and on-site action-learning activities documented to demonstrate competence in relation to the skills taught. A certificate of attendance recognised by the South African Council for Educators (SACE) with 16 notional hours workshop time and 16 hours on-site application.