Assessment Practices

Assessment methods of individuals will differ in their foci depending on the nature, design, and delivery of courses, mindful of the flexible structure of courses. At the heart of insightful assessment is the need to look at the effectiveness and contribution of how participants have improved their skills, knowledge and attitudes. This implies looking at the extent to which participants have been enriched and extended conceptually and the achievement of outcomes.

Recognising prior learning will also promote contextual relevance of courses and simultaneously assist course designers to use participants life experiences as a resource in the delivery of course.

Assessment of participants could include:

  • A Certificate of Competence as per tender will be given.
  • Report submission
  • Presentation publicly of triangulated research findings based on course learnings including:
    • Developing curriculum delivery plan looking at implementation of learning in context (e.g. institutional culture, implementation strategy)
    • Collecting and processing information during training (e.g. looking at an impact analysis of the complexity, quality and quantity of change)

Participants can also be assessed according to:

  • Their level of participation in workshop activities (i.e. commitment to the programme) – Daily Evaluation
  • Pre and post evaluation of courses and any growth

teachers_handsraisedIn sum assessment needs to reflect any:

  • Improvement in learning outcomes
  • Improved institutional capacity
  • Enhanced skills, knowledge and understandings of participants
  • Effective implementation of curriculum priorities and motives and initiatives

Since the purpose of C.L.A.S.S. Consulting’s programmes and therefore learning are flexible, assessment practices for quantifiable and qualitative purposes will be diverse.

Programmes may be self directed, action orientated or accredited and therefore the focus of the assessment will differ.

Details of the programmes learning outcomes and tasks provided in the learning events will factor into whether the assessment foci is:

  • Assessing as learning
  • Assessing for learning
  • Assessing on learning

Participants might not therefore be expected to undergo detailed formal testing, but could report on a project for portfolio purposes and possibly accreditation. Clearly a significant degree of freedom with accountability needs to be offered to participants when being assessed.

Assessment tasks and procedures can be negotiated and constitute an important component of the process.